What we believe inWe believe in providing education and financial independence to the youth and women of India so that they can carve new paths towards extraordinary opportunities.


We want to make small differences that bring a large impact.


Educating those in need so that they take their first step towards self-independence.


Helping those in need so that they become self-sufficient for themselves and their families.


We want to grow our team and those around us to create a better future for our people.
About Us

Welcome to DN99 Foundation

Our foundation was established in 2019 in Anand, Gujarat. It is funded by 50 alumni of Dadabhai Naroji High School who have passed out from the '99 batch.Our board of trustees consists of 21 members from US, UK, Australia, Canada, and India who wish to uplift the weaker sections of the society through education and empowerment.

Contribute. Share. Care.


Serving Students


Supporting Schools


Offered Kits


Permanent Members
Plan of action

DN99 in the Future

We intend to help over 500+ students in 2022 by providing basic essential school kits and ration. By 2024, we will adopt 51 schools and provide over 3000 kits. We also aim to set up a Gruhudhyog (Home Industry) which will employ socially & economically backward females, widows & single mothers to make them independent. Adding to this, we also plan on educating their young ones.
About the ProjectTogether We Create a DifferenceWe are working with 7+ government schools and numerous children to empower them with limitless opportunities.
What drives us!A mission with a vision
"Inspired by the selfless acts of Dadabhai Naroji, we aim to touch many lives, especially through education and employment.

In today’s age, we all are recovering from a great pandemic, but some of us have the accessibility to grow and heal, but a major part of society still suffers.

DN99 is dedicated to helping underprivileged children as well as families with basic amenities like food and education. We understand that every single effort, contributes to a much larger picture, and we wish to make that world healthy, happy, and hopeful."
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